
Welcome to FlowTracker

Ever wonder which parts of your day are really creative or productive? Or how to tell the difference between 'creative downtime' and boredom?

Using FlowTracker, you can see how your creativity moves up and down over any period of time - and where there are blocks.

The app has a world class library of creativity techniques that you can use to remove blockages. 

Explore the features, benefits and links below.

The data that you track

  Enter task + time

Enter task details & time

Add FLOW start and Reflection

   FLOW states

Record start and entry mind states.

Colour coded dropdown makes it easy

FLOW is when you are in the zone.

Invented by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

  System 1 & 2 reflection

Record immediate reflection

Record considered reflection later

This is a qualitative measure.

Invented by Daniel Kahneman

Reporting and Reflection

Report for any duration

How to read the diagram

If you are not familiar with the report format it is a chord diagram.

It may take a liitle time to appreciate it.

It shows the relative occurences of mind-states that you transfer between.

The colour on the chord represents start state

Tap the outer rim to see one state in detail

Use the colour coded maintenance screen to select tasks and update your slow reflection

Reflective Practice

Reflection shifts knowledge between short and longer term memories. 

It uses recency, spacing & interleaving theory making new knowledge sticky.

It is akin to personal retrospectives in agile-speak or personal lessons learned.

Flow Tracker uses Kahneman's System 1 &  2.

Creative Technique Library

Diverget Convergent Thinking

Rainbow overview of the stages involved in creative problem solving.

Work from red to violet in stages to explore and close problems

Time-box the sessions to keep on track and work to esiimates.

Handy tool for self, teams and workshops.

Creative Techniques colour coded index

150 techniques colour coded for easy selection.

Gradient backgrounds show techniques that span several steps.

Each technique clicks through to PDF instruction sheet.

Try it out.

Self awareness

Increased self awareness is realised by understanding what knocks you out of FLOW.

Once you understand you can create strategies to stop it happening, or find your reset button to push at will.

Smart Creativity

Smart Creativity is an increasing requirement for many jobs.

The ways we have been taught focussed on smarts. It is up to us to reclaim our creativity.

Future job  security

As society and commerce moves into the information age we need to re-skill to be employable.

Use the techniques and monitor your progress with FlowTracker to enhance your prospects..

Feel free to drop us a line to contact us

We are always interested in learning about how you use FlowTracker.

We want to make it the best we can for you.

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